How is computational section report led?

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The computational method of section n, antitheses of the bad news that distribute sheet and technical measure law two kinds. One. Antitheses of only waste time section n (KW/h) = (unit product power consumption plans – this period power consumption of real unit product 1.

By power consumption of unit of product (antitheses of power consumption norm and antitheses of power consumption the corresponding period) must compare with the plan) * this period actual output and the corresponding period compared section n last year (KW/h) = (last year – of power consumption of product of unit of the corresponding period this period power consumption of real unit product) * this period actual output 2.

Press power consumption of 10 thousand yuan of production value proper product breed much or the product is errant model, can use n of section of computation of power consumption of 10 thousand yuan of production value. Compare section n with the plan (KW/h) = (report of bad news of 10 thousand yuan of production value plans – this period actual report of bad news of 10 thousand yuan of production value) * this period actual 10 thousand yuan of production value. 3.

By n of section of technical measure computation (1) shorten the time that use phone. Section n (KW/h) = equipment actual measurement reduces electric power (KW) * is calculated period actual reductive uses electric time (H) (2) improve labor productivity. Section n (KW/h) the product before = changes uses * of electric only waste time actually the yield that computational period raises actually (3) improve n of run mode section (KW/h) after = changes by – of n of loss of the computation before changing actual loss n (4) reduce equipment to use a capacity. Section n (KW/h) = (before changing after changing actually with capacitance – use capacitance actually) * is calculated period actual run time (5) reduce loss of facilities electric energy. Section n (KW/h) use stage of * of n of actual reductive loss counts = equipment in methods of afore-mentioned calculation of n of a few kinds of sections, antitheses of power consumption norm is relatively reasonable CNC Milling CNC Machining